Over & Out Cockroach Killer Gel

  • Safe for use in Kitchen
  • Destroys entire colony
  • Long lasting result
  • Odor free
  • Safe for childeren


Over & Out cockroach Killer Gel, is used to eliminate entire colonies of cockroaches which may have infested Kitchen, Living room, washroom or entire house, office, warehouse etc.It's working model is that cockroaches are cannabis in nature and eat their end. Once the gel is consumed and the roach dies it starts a domino affect in which the entire colony collapses.Unlike aerosol sprays which only kills cockroaches on the surface, Over & Out cockroach gel eliminates entire colonies.Apply drop after every 4-8 cm in highly affected area, make sure water/oil is not sprayed on the gel.Visible results in 3 days .https://vimeo.com/91905332